Eat Right

Sports Drinks and Your Teeth--Eeek!

We've always known that soda isn't good for your teeth. Well, turns out the acidity and sugar in sports drinks aren't too healthy for your chompers, either. A recent article on reported they can cause cavities, and the dyes can actually stain your pearly whites.

So what's the solution? Don't bust out the toothbrush right after chugging Gatorade. Studies show that it's best to wait a short period before cleaning teeth.

To prevent tooth decay and other dental problems, rinse with water afterwards or try drinking with a straw to protect your teeth. Or, instead, you can forgo sports drinks altogether and grab some all-natural spring water. H20 won't harm your teeth and will give you a boost after a long, tiresome workout! 

By: Leora Friedman


3/15/2010 12:39:00 PM