
5 Tips to Boost Your Workout

Wanna get fit faster? Don't just sit there! We've got some tricks that'll help ya get in tip-top shape in no time. Keep reading to find ways to up the intensity on your exercises.

Kick Up Your Crunches
Wanna tone that tummy? Mix in your ab moves in between strength and cardio to shrink your stomach. Warm up for a few minutes, perform one set (that's 10-12 reps of one exercise) of a strength move (like lunges, squats, push-ups, reverse lunges, dips, or pull-ups).

Next do one set of abs (Six moves to a toned tummy). Then, do 30-seconds to a minute of cardio (like jogging in place or jumping jacks). Repeat until you've done all six ab moves and six strength moves.

Find Your Race Pace
You don't have to be a competitive athlete to add some sprints to your routine. The next time you jog or get in the pool, alternate between a comfortable pace and something that really pushes your limits. It's totally OK to take a breather in-between sets!

Not into running or swimming? Create a dance-tunes playlist, alternating between fast and slow songs. Get your boogie on, making sure to really break a sweat when the beat picks up.

Close Your Eyes
OK, not when you're running. But shutting your peepers during yoga poses or ab work makes them loads more difficult (weird, right? wait till you try it!). It's especially true while balancing postures, like the tree and dancer poses. Instant improved core strength.

Pile on the Weights
Been throwing those 5-pounders around for ages? It's time to invest in a heavier set (we spied 10-lb weights at Target for under $15). Once you've been doing an activity for a while, it's not as much of a challenge to your body. Increase your weights and keep varying your strength training to see faster results.

Be Your Own Trainer
Have a tendency to slack? Channel your inner Jillian Michaels and use your mind to push through a tough sweat sesh. Cheer yourself on (in your head or out loud if you're alone!), reward yourself with fun new songs on your iPod and keep reminding yourself why you're exercising so hard (maybe softball tryouts are around the corner).

Need something more concrete? Make a list of things you're gonna accomplish for before every workout. Don't stop 'til you check everything off!

By: Katie Abbondanza 


1/8/2010 12:02:00 PM