Your Bod

My hair is falling out

My hair is thinning and falling out. What should I do?

Freaked about becoming bald by 16? Chill. It’s normal to shed up to 100 hairs a day. That said, your strands should shed individually, not in clumps. Do you use a very hot blow dryer? Do you dye, straighten or perm your hair often? All these practices make locks weak and brittle.

No? You might suffer from alopecia areta, which 4 million people in America suffer from. “It’s an auto-immune disorder where hair suddenly stops growing and falls out in a circular pattern,” says dermatologist Dr. Robert Greenberg. “Hair loss is also caused by severe illness, fever or fad dieting.” So if you’re shedding daily, relax—no need for Rogaine. If you experience serious clumping or loss, see a dermatologist.

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by GL | 2/1/2016