6 things that *every* good friend does

There are so many things that make a good friend—they stand by your side, support your dreams and make you feel special. A true friend wants to see you do your best and they'll stop at nothing to help you get there. Below are the GIFs that *perfectly* describe traits all besties have (because every Gigi needs her Kendall).

They're always cheering you on.
Whether it's your dance recital, a soccer game or even just a first date you're freaking out about, your ladies root for you from the front row.

They want you to have fun.
No matter the sitch, your friends do everything they can to make you a happy camper.

You have *all* the inside jokes.
There are some things only a true friend understands.

They know how to make you laugh.
Embarrassed? Not your besties. Being silly is no problem if it brings a smile to your face!

They know how to keep a secret.
You wouldn't *dare* tell anyone else who your crush is!

They love you just the way you are.
The most important quality of a good friend: They love you unconditionally (yes, even when you mess up or make them mad).
What are some awesome things your friends do for you? How do you show your pals you love them? Let us know in the comments!
Photo credit: Pinterest.