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10 gifs that you can relate to if you're #foreversingle

So maybe you're still hanging onto that single Valentine's Day sadness—we *totally* get it. Rolling solo is hard. You may not have a sweetie to kick it with, but you can at least relate to these LOL-worthy gifs.
When you think, “Oh my gosh, I’m never going to have a boyfriend!”

Oh no, here come the tears.
When you have to deal with all the couples being cute

When someone starts talking about the romantic gesture their significant other did for them on Valentine’s Day.

But actually, I don't care.
When you feel like you can’t escape all the cute couples on Instagram

::Closes app:: ::Sighs::
When you call your best friend to vent about your singledom

BFFs > boys
When your friend tries to set you up on a date with someone you're just *not* into

Nope, I'm good.
When you remember that not having a BF means you never have to share...

You get twice the popcorn at the movies, and that's probably better than being in a relationship.
When you think about all the money you are saving by being single

Billz, billz, billzzzzz.
When you finally realize how awesome it is to be single

Not everyone needs to be in a relationship!
Do you embrace being single or are you bummed about it? Let us know in the comments!
Photo credit: Giphy