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5 times Elle Woods taught us that you can ace tests *and* serve looks

22 years ago, Elle Woods singlehandedly proved that yes, girls can be pretty *and* intelligent. Gracing Harvard Law school and the courtroom in her signature pink suit, this Legally Blonde heroine has been inspiring girls to think big, but more importantly, think like a girl. Here are five times that Elle Woods has taught us that being feminine and smart is *always* trending.

When she submits a flashy admission video to win over Harvard Law

While most people would never risk sending an elaborate, unconventional admission *video* resume to a prestigious school like Harvard, Elle proves that innovation is always rewarded. "I object!"      

When she uses stereotypically "girly" lingo to put her ex-boyfriend in his place

When preppy ex-boyfriend Warner asks Elle how she managed to get into Harvard Law, she famously responds, "What, like it's hard?" She takes advantage of typical "Valley girl" phrasing to belittle Warner with unflinching Elle Woods confidence—and we're all taking notes, tbh. 

When she utilizes her law school smarts to help a friend conquer her fears

What makes Elle such an inspiring character is that she isn't just smart and fashion-forward; she's also a genuine friend to all. By posing as her BFF Paulette's attorney, Elle helps Paulette win back her dog Rufus from a difficult ex-boyfriend. Girl power at it's finest.

When her fashion knowledge gives her some critical courtroom insight

If there's one thing Elle knows the most about, it's fashion. (A 4.0 average in fashion merchandising? She's an expert.) And when Elle is able to make an important determination about a suspect's whereabouts based off mutual clothing knowledge, she proves that even the most talented Harvard students still need a crash course in fashion.

And of course, when she graduates as valedictorian from Harvard Law School

Talk about a full-circle moment. After a full year of defying expectations, Elle ends up at the top of her class, dating a super cute lawyer and ready to take on the world (with her chihuahua Bruiser in tow, ofc). In her speech, she reminds her classmates to have faith in themselves—but she also reminds us to have faith in ourselves, too. 

Top image: @legallyblondemovies
All other images via GIPHY

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by Laila Mayfield | 2/11/2023