In the News

Why are we bullying Rebecca Black?

When Rebecca Black first released “Friday,” she was not prepared for her song to go viral and become a fave new tune for people around the world. But she probably couldn’t even have dreamed that her hit song would force her to drop out of school.
After the song became an unexpected fave, Rebecca started getting bullied at school. Her peers reportedly would make rude comments like, “Hey, Rebecca, guess what day it is?!” and they would sing “Friday” in a nasally voice as they passed her in the hallway. Eventually, the snide remarks became too much, and Rebecca started getting homeschooled.
So why does it seem like no one is sticking up for the new tween star? She’s been relentlessly picked on and has even received death threats. What people might think are just harmless words can really do damage to anyone’s self-esteem. Maybe people are being mean because they’re jealous. After all, Rebecca was a normal girl one day and a superstar the next. Maybe they think it’s OK to pick on her…because they don’t like her voice or the song she sings or her instant rise to fame.
For our part, we’re proud this chica was brave enough to follow her dream and stick to it, despite the rest of the world’s criticism. That takes some serious guts. Whether you love her or loathe her, though, we’re wondering what YOU think of the folks bullying Rebecca Black. Has it gone too far? Does she deserve it?


by Katelyn Lester | 2/1/2016