
Boy Confusion

I think I like this boy, lets call him Jake, but he's been the object of just about everyone's affection in my class, this month, (and to think that we all hated him at the begining of the year.) But the problem is, my friend, lets call her Marley, said she didn't like him, after all my other friends accused her of liking Jake, which was completely obvious since she teased him, basically 'stirring the pot'. This other boy I know, lets call him Ralph, likes me, pretty much to the point of obsession, (following me around and talking to me whenever he can), but he has this big, (and I mean BIG), mass of red hair, and pale skin, and freckles and lets just say his hygene is not so good. I really dont like him. So I just ignore him.

Then, this other boy, let's call him Troy, he just broke up with his girlfriend, and now he his being nicer to me, and paying attention to me and I see him looking at me A LOT. I kinda like him, too. But then, the other day, we were all sitting on the play structure on our play ground just talking, and it gets out that Jake likes Marley! But I dont see how he could like her, she's not very pretty and she is very loud and random, and sort of a pushover, but he did not, I repeat DID NOT, deny it. But I thought he kind of liked me, but I guess I was wrong. 

But I mean, it could be a cover-up for who he truly liked, I mean you know the boys code? He could never admit that he liked the same girl has Ralph. Also, Marley told Ralph that she liked Jake, and Ralph told Jake. But I heard Jake talking at lunch and he said he didn't like Marley. Nowadays Marley is almost impossible to be with, smirking and smiling all the time, I guess with thoughts of Jake. So what do you think? Which boy do I like, am I being unfair to Ralph by ignoring him, and does Troy like me? Does Jake like me? And why did Marley lie to us before? Is she just doing this because a boy supposedly likes her? Please help!

-May day hay yay'

Let’s tackle the easiest question first: You’re not being unfair to Ralph by ignoring him. If you don’t like someone, don’t ever feel like you should like them or should go out with them. Be nice and polite to him, but don’t flirt or give him the impression you like him when you don’t. 

Troy might like you, but it’s also possible he just likes you as a friend. Spend some more time with him to get a better idea. As for Jake and Marley, people’s feelings about each other change all the time. Jake could like both you and Marley, or he might go back and forth. Maybe Marley didn’t like Jake before, but does now. Spend more time together, as a group, and see how things go.

-Andie Smile

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2/15/2010 7:00:00 AM