
GLs Ultimate Countdown to Class: Start Over with a Blank Slate

Summer’s almost over, but you’ve still got a few more weeks to make the most of it and start the new year off right!
Beat the last minute back-to-school frenzy with our must-do guide before break’s over. GL’s got tips and trick to get you ready to hit the halls and bring your “A” game.
T-minus 8 days…
Start Over with a Blank Slate
You might have organized your room once or twice over the summer, but there’s nothing like starting a new school year with a blank slate…and a clear desk space! Having a great, open environment to do your work might inspire you to do it soon and put off those impulses to procrastinate.
CLICK HERE for more day-by-day deets to get you set for your best year ever! 


by GL | 2/1/2016