Your Bod

My armpits looks weird

My armpits are always black. I scrub so hard that they turn red.

I shave, but it’s not hair. Help!

Save the scrubbing—it won’t help. A few things can cause darkening, explains New York City dermatologist Dr. Ariel Ostad: 1) You could genetically have extra pigmentation there. 2) You might have a condition called acanthosis nigricans, which has to do with high insulin levels. If you’re also dark around your neck, waistline, knuckles or elbows, see a doc. 3) You might have a buildup of dry skin thanks to antiperspirants and shaving. Try a lotion with lactic acid (try AmLactin 12% Moisturizing Lotion) in your pits at night.

If you see no improvement after six weeks, see a doc for a bleaching cream or to check insulin levels. You’ll have peachy pits in no time!

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by GL | 2/1/2016