4 friends you need to make in 2014

The smarty-pants
Tired of doing more than your fair share of work on lab projects and book reports? Buddy up with a babe whose view of school matches yours. Wanting to put your all into your schoolwork is a great thing—but you shouldn’t have to do it all to cross that project off your to-do list. A gal who enjoys the work as much as you do (or at the very least, wants to get it done) will be a fab match for your academic prowess.
The DIYer
Pairing up with a pal whose idea of a fun afternoon is bedazzling a t-shirt or painting a nightstand will help you see the world in a whole new way. The terms? It’s all about what you can do with what you’re given. Yeah, it’s great to be thrifty and creative, but you’ll also be exposed to problem-solving techniques you might never have thought about, otherwise.
The rough ‘n’ tumble tomboy
Even if you’re a girly girl, you’ve gotta know some basics. From patching a bike tire to climbing a tree to roughing it in a tent for a night or two, these lessons will show you just how much you really need to get by and have fun while you do it.
The girly girl
You thought we were gonna leave the pink ladies hanging? A diva is a must for your friendship circle. From applying eye liner to walking in heels to being the social butterfly at a party, this gal’s got tonsa tricks up her sleeve. Learn from her sense of style—and figure out how to create your own unique taste. Just avoid the ‘tude, mmk?
What kind of girl are you? Tell us in the comments!
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POSTED IN how can I make new friends, rezzies, how to make friends at a new school