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Tanning Can Be Addictive

Not one, but two articles on revealed that tanning isn’t just bad for you—it can be addictive, too. Talk about a double dose of disaster.

Tanning has recently been ruled by the World Health Organization as “carcinogenic to humans,” which means that it can definitely cause cancer. Tanning beds ranked right up there on the risk scale with tobacco smoke and asbestos. So, why would people want to risk cancer to have darker skin? Tanning releases endorphins which are natural, “feel-good” chemicals in your brain. It’s easy to see why girls become attached to that endorphin rush.

Truth is, it’s extremely harmful to you and can even make your skin age prematurely. Wrinkles at 20? No, thanks. So opt for embracing your natural skin tone. Non-tanned skin is soft and youthful looking. If ya feel like you must be dark, go for a spray tan or bronzer. Just use a light shade so you don’t end up looking like a carrot.


by Megan Parker | 2/1/2016