Rad Reads

Will Everything Go Swimmingly in Luce's New Life as a Mermaid?

Have you ever dreamt of what it would be like to be a mermaid under the sea?
Or being able to belt out tunes better than Biebs? These things actually happen to Luce in the new book Lost Voices.
Luce becomes an orphan when her Dad vanishes in a storm at sea. She’s stuck in a grim, gray Alaskan fishing village with her uncle who is not only an alcoholic but he’s abusive too.
Abandoned, alone, and in despair, Luce plummets into the icy ocean off the cliffs near her uncle’s house. Miraculously, she’s magically transformed into a mermaid! Luce explores the sea and meets a mermaid tribe, where she finally feels at home.
However, Luce quickly finds out that the mermaids use their beautiful voices to lure in humans in order to harm them. Luce struggles between right and wrong. Does she go against the only friends she has or use her singing talents to help murder innocent people like the mermaids in her tribe?
Lost Voices, the first book of the trilogy by Sarah Porter, (who we interviewed here!) gives readers a look into the world of mermaids, which Luce’s finds out is not all seashells and sunshine.
Get your feet wet and download an excerpt of Lost Voice right here and let’s blog it out with these book club questions!

Book Club Questions 
What would you think if you suddenly became a mermaid?
I think it would be hard to get used to! First of all, I’d have no legs or feet so I couldn’t walk anymore. I would also miss being around humans and walking on land because staying in the ocean would eventually get boring!
What would you do if someone was spreading rumors about you?
I’d definitely confront them. Rumors cause lots of trouble and can always get people against you. But hopefully, you’re real friends would never do that or listen to them.
What was your opinion of the tribe’s queen, Catarina?
I wasn’t sure what to think about her throughout the story. She had so many different moods—sometimes she was nice and then could be really mean, especially to Luce. I think she was just protective of herself and her past. She really did have respect for Luce though, but I still think she could have been a little nicer at times.
Would you turn someone in that you saw breaking the rules?
It really depends on what it is. If someone was causing harm or putting anyone in danger then I definitely would. And if I could, I’d try to stop it like Luce did to help Catarina.
Lost Voices has many themes, one of them being forgiveness. Do you ever struggle with forgiving someone?
Forgiveness can sometimes be a hard thing to do, especially if I’m really hurt by it. But eventually, you have to find a way to move past it. Even if you don’t talk to the person anymore, it’s important that you don’t let it get the best of you.  
The mermaids have a gift of singing but they used it to hurt humans. Luce was always against this, and wanted to use it for the good. If you had that gift, how would you use it for good?
Well, everyone enjoys music. It makes people happy. So I’d sing to make people happy, not to bring them pain. I know that the mermaids were always afraid that once the humans discovered them they’d try to hurt them. But since the mermaids can control the behaviors of the humans, why wouldn’t they be able to control their reaction?  
Do you want to have a mermaid named after you in a new book in the Lost Voices trilogy? To enter for a chance to win a mermaid character with a name and hair color based on you, CLICK HERE.

by GL | 2/1/2016