
Hugging Hottie

At the homecoming football game last night, one of my old crushes walked up to me and my BFF and started talking. We were goofing off, and having a good time. Him and his friend were throwing candy at us, but he gave me some to eat. He hugged me once, and then he tried to hug me again a bunch of other times. It was a little strange, and I did not want to have him do it again, 'cause my mom was on the side of the field and could see us if she turned around.

When I got home, I went on AIM and talked to my BFF. She was talking to him on her cell, and I told her to tell him that i said hi. He wrote back asking why I did not hug him. Then I asked in return, "Why did you want to hug me?" He said, "'Cause I love you."

I wanted to melt right then and there.

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10/6/2009 7:00:00 AM