Sweet Candy Apples

It’s sad that the hot, sticky days of summer are gone but apple season approaches. Scout out your nearest apple orchards or be on the lookout for just picked apples at your local grocery store then get ready to fall into autumn with some sweet apple treats.
6 medium sized red apples
3 wooden Popsicle sticks
3 cups white sugar
One half cup corn syrup
One cup water
Red food coloring
Directions: Wash and dry apples thoroughly. In a medium saucepan, combine and heat the sugar, syrup and water. Make sure the sugar completely dissolves in the water. Bring the mixture to a slow boil. You will know its ready when you drop a little bit into cold water and it separates into hard threads. Remove from the heat and add food coloring. Dip each apple one at a time into the mixture and coat the apple completely. Place on a greased cookie sheet to harden.
-Jana Konys