
30 days to a bikini bod: booty buster

From shorts to bathing suits and back again, the summer months demand a good lookin’ caboose. Tone up your booty with this easy move. Add it to your workout routine four times a week and you’ll see results in no time. All you’ll need are a pair of hand weight. Don’t have ‘em? Try using cans of soup or water bottles.


Back lunge

Start by standing tall with your feet hip-width apart and toes pointing forward. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms hanging at sides and abs contracted.


Step as far back as you comfortably can with your left foot, bending both knees so your right knee aligns over your right ankle and your left knee lowers toward the floor without touching it. Keep your left heel lifted. Return to standing position by squeezing your butt and pushing off of your left foot. Repeat, lunging back on the same leg 15 times slowly, then switch sides.


by Martica Heaner | 2/1/2016