
Pooch pandamonium: Our top 10 doggie tales announced!

Just like in the series Pet Trouble, our pooches just can’t behave! We asked you girlies to send in your hilarious stories about the crazy, funny sitches your pooches get into.

After reading your most outrageous puppy outtakes, we picked a winner!

Congrats to… Ashton H. She’s snagged the entire Pet Trouble series, including the newest book Oh No, Newf!

Check out her hilarious puppy tale!

I have a dog named Taylor, he's half beagle and half pit bull. It snows a lot where I live during the winter and one day I was outside watching Taylor when a big snow plow came down the road. Taylor went crazy and started chasing the truck, so the truck stopped and I tried to pull Taylor away. Because the truck stopped in the middle of the road, it blocked driveways and cars couldn’t back out. I kept trying to call Taylor away for like the next 15 minutes. By the time Taylor got back to our house there was a four-way traffic jam and a line of cars almost a quarter mile long! I was so embarrassed!

Want more funny tales? Check out the runner-ups, who will each get a copy of Oh No, Newf!

One day my dog, Bella, and I were sitting on the couch watching TV. Bella is very protective of me. My friend Shelby (whom she had never met) was staying with me while her parents were out of town. Shelby walked in the room and Bella got off of the couch and looked at Shelby and started to growl, bark and jump up and down. I motioned for Shelby to leave the room and she did. As soon as Bella couldn't see Shelby any more she stopped barking. I yelled for Shelby to come back in. As soon as Shelby came back in, Bella started growling, barking and jumping up and down again. I told Shelby to go back out of the room and when she did, Bella sat down and got quiet. We did it again and again and she did the same thing. It was hilarious! By the time we stopped, Shelby and I were dying laughing!

-Hallie Ruth

My dog, Bo, has done so many funny things in his life. Once, he stuck his head in our cat's litter box. The litter box has a lid on it and so he couldn’t easily get back out so he started shaking his head. The litter went everywhere!


My grandmother had come to visit my family for the week. She was tired after a long day of traveling on a bus from upstate New York to mid-New Jersey. Overall, she was exhausted and placed her luggage down in our family room. My family welcomed her pleasantly and sat down for a delicious dinner. While eating our dessert, I heard a rustling in our family room and went to go investigate. I found my cockapoo, Lizzie, standing innocently with an opened luggage and two $100 bills in her mouth! I ran to grab her but she swiftly ran away and she refused to let the money go! Finally, we got the money out of her mouth and safely returned it to my grandmother. My dog knows how to pick pockets!


One day, my dad made a roast beef and cream cheese sandwich. He left it on a small side table and left to get a glass of water. My dog, Tillie, saw the sandwich and took a bite of it but she didn’t like it, so she only took one bite. When my dad got back, he thought my mom was the one who took a bite, so he ate it. After he was done, we told him what happened, and then Tillie walked right by him with a cream cheese mustache!


This year we got a fake Christmas tree and it had berries and pinecones on it.  One day, I heard crunching, so I looked and found my dog, Chelsea, pulling the red berries off of the tree and was eating them so I took them away from her. Then, after Christmas when the tree was put away, every other day I would hear crunching noises and I kept wondering where she kept getting the berries. A few weeks later, I found Chelsea digging under the couch. I looked under the couch and there were a bunch of berries! She was taking them off and hiding them under the couch for later!

-Becky R.

My friend came over and it was her first time over. Trying to make a good impression, I cleaned up the house and was so busy tidying things up, that I forgot about letting my dog out. He really needed to use the bathroom and I didn't even notice. So, when my friend came over, my dog got a little over-excited. When my friend came, and was standing at the door, Dakota (my dog), went straight up to her and peed on her shoes. The worst part was, she was wearing flip-flops. Gross, right? From now on, she always keeps her distance from him, and, to be honest, always wears tennis shoes when she comes over to my house!

-Haleigh B.

My mom had just gotten home from the grocery store and she had bought a bag of big powdered doughnuts. My mom set the doughnuts on the couch and we went outside to unload more groceries. When we came back in, we didn’t see the doughnuts and started to look for them. I looked at my dog, Dustin, who was "sleeping" on the chair over at the other side of the living room where my mom left the doughnuts. Dustin looked back at me and I said, “Dustin, where are Mom’s doughnuts?” He just sat there all innocent. Later that day, my mom and I were playing with Dustin, and we saw a little tiny bit of glaze was stuck on his whiskers and nothing else but that little bit of glaze. Mystery solved!

-Brianne D.

One day, when my family and I were gone, my neighbor and his friend were at my house watching my dog Kate. They ordered a pizza and left it on top of the stove and went to watch a movie. My dog got the pizza box and ate the entire large pizza, including the box!

-Beth H.

My dog, Scout, gets into trouble non-stop. Her last uh-oh moment was when she went through our recycling bins and pulled out all of her dog food cans to make sure they were licked clean.

-Abbie P.

And don’t forget to check out the latest book in the Pet Trouble series, Oh No, Newf! at

2/26/2010 7:00:00 AM