Your Bod

Everything you need to know about stretch marks

Trying to fit the beauty standard can feel exhausting, especially when your body decides to throw new changes your way during puberty. And one of the changes it can bring? Stretch marks. 

PSA: Stretch marks are totally normal. But we also understand that dealing with a new change can bring on some insecurities. Don't panic, we've got your back—here's everything you need to know about stretch marks.

What are stretch marks?


Stretch marks are streaky, line-like scars that can show up just about anywhere on your body (to name a few: inner thighs, arms, breasts, stomach, hips and lowerbback). In their early stages, stretch marks can show up in bright colors like red, purple or dark brown. Over time, the brightness of them will go away and may leave a textured feel on your skin. 

Why do they happen?


There are definitely misconceptions that stretch marks are a sign of being unhealthy (and this is *completely* false). Stretch marks can happen to anyone!

"When your skin stretches or shrinks really quickly, a key protein in the skin called collagen is disrupted," said Dr. Anna Chacon, a board-certified dermatologist based in Miami, Florida. The breaking of collagen causes these little lines. This could happen from going to the gym, gaining (or losing) weight or simply just going through puberty. 

Can you get rid of them?

Retinol Skin-Smoothing Body Treatment, $29

Tbh, there isn't a product that's going to get rid of stretch marks overnight. If you're looking for something to help with their appearance, we suggest a moisturizing retinol. Treatments like retinol can hydrate your skin while simultaneously helping even out parts of your skin tone. 

Dr. Asmi Sanghvi, a board-certified dermatologist based in New York says that if you're looking to prevent stretch marks, one of the "best" things you can do is keep the skin hydrated and eat foods high in vitamin C and zinc. "This looks like a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables," she adds. 

Love and embrace them!


Change can be scary, especially when it's happening right in front of your eyes, but it isn't a bad thing!  People have re-claimed their stretch marks not as something to be insecure about, but as "tiger stripes" and even "angel scratches"— empowering words to shed light on our bodies' natural beauty. Stretch marks are reminders of the life you've lived and your ability to successfully get through any changes your body may go through. So try to sport 'em with pride, bb.

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Top image: @asiamonetray
All GIFs via GIPHY

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by Annika Chaves | 7/3/2023