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OMG! The Twilight saga

What are YOU looking forward to most about Eclipse?
OMG, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse hits the silver screen nationwide tomorrow and your girls here at GL could not BE more excited!
So, we’re here to ask (and answer!) the questions we’ve been thinking about since we walked out of New Moon last November. We want your input, too. So read, re-think and blog it out, babes!
2) Edward or Jacob—DECIDE!
Tough call. But we’re on team Jacob because, at the end of the day, there’s nothing sweeter than a guy who’s an amazing friend. That whole mysterious bad-boy thing Edward has going for him is cute but not as endearing.
3) What would you do if you found out a vampire-army was after you?
Enlist the help of our hunky supernatural friends of course…that or stock up on some garlic.
4) So far in the story, Bella’s been chased by crazy vampires, been plunged into the depths of depression when Edward left and now she’s being harassed by more crazy vamps. Is it worth it?
5) Are you excited that Jasper Cullen will have a bigger part in this movie?
Totally! It’s always fun to get more background on characters. Plus, Southern vampires are awesome.
6) Who’s your favorite Cullen…OK, besides the obvious one?
We’d have to say Carlisle. He’s just such a great…person? Vampire? Father? We think all of the above. His back story (no spoilers!) is really interesting, too.
7) Would you become a vamp if you were Bella?
8) What are you looking forward to most about Eclipse?
Watching the next installment of The Twilight Saga with our friends! It’s so fun to storm the theaters with an army of BFFs. Plus, there’s an excitement in the air on opening night that you just don’t get with other movies.
Be sure to catch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse when it lands in theaters TOMORROW. Then come back and let us know your thoughts.
By: Helen Seachrist
OMG, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse hits the silver screen nationwide tomorrow and your girls here at GL could not BE more excited!
So, we’re here to ask (and answer!) the questions we’ve been thinking about since we walked out of New Moon last November. We want your input, too. So read, re-think and blog it out, babes!
Spoiler Alert: These questions are geared towards the Twihards who have already read the Eclipse book. If you’re eagerly waiting in anticipation ’til the flick to see what happens, we suggest you head to theaters and then come back and give your input.
1) Should Bella and Edward have gotten back together after New Moon?GL: Duh, they’re soul mates. But we can’t exactly blame Bella’s dad Charlie for refusing to trust Edward after all the drama.

2) Edward or Jacob—DECIDE!
Tough call. But we’re on team Jacob because, at the end of the day, there’s nothing sweeter than a guy who’s an amazing friend. That whole mysterious bad-boy thing Edward has going for him is cute but not as endearing.
3) What would you do if you found out a vampire-army was after you?
Enlist the help of our hunky supernatural friends of course…that or stock up on some garlic.
4) So far in the story, Bella’s been chased by crazy vampires, been plunged into the depths of depression when Edward left and now she’s being harassed by more crazy vamps. Is it worth it?
OK, that stuff didn’t sound fun, but look at the pros! She’s got Alice Cullen as a bestie (so many clothes!) Her boyfriend sparkles! Oh, and there’s always true love and everlasting devotion…

5) Are you excited that Jasper Cullen will have a bigger part in this movie?
Totally! It’s always fun to get more background on characters. Plus, Southern vampires are awesome.
6) Who’s your favorite Cullen…OK, besides the obvious one?
We’d have to say Carlisle. He’s just such a great…person? Vampire? Father? We think all of the above. His back story (no spoilers!) is really interesting, too.
7) Would you become a vamp if you were Bella?
We know why she did it, but it’s not for us. Living forever sure sounds exhausting!

Watching the next installment of The Twilight Saga with our friends! It’s so fun to storm the theaters with an army of BFFs. Plus, there’s an excitement in the air on opening night that you just don’t get with other movies.
Be sure to catch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse when it lands in theaters TOMORROW. Then come back and let us know your thoughts.
By: Helen Seachrist
POSTED IN movies