Ask Lucky: Braggin' About Boys

I have a friend who is going out with this guy. She always brags about him and tries to make me jealous because I’m not going out with anyone. Without hurting her feelings, how can I let her know I don’t want to hear her brag? 

—Friend of a Bragger

Most likely, she’s not trying to hurt your feelings. If it’s a new romance, she’s probably excited and just wants to gab about it. If she continues to brag and it makes you uncomfortable, then let her know. A real friend shouldn’t try to make you jealous.

Tell her you are confident about yourself and don’t need a boyfriend to be happy. Then explain how her bragging hurts your feelings. If she is a good friend, she will appreciate your honesty and be more considerate of your feelings.

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7/28/2009 7:00:00 AM