Let it snow with a winter wonderland party

Traditional Christmas parties are fun (we love us some ugly sweaters) but sometimes it's even *more* fun to switch it up. Like with this winter wonderland themed party that even works as a post-Christmas get-together. Follow our tips below, gather your girls...then let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Remember those paper snowflakes you used to love making as a kid? Bring them back with an indoor "blizzard"—hang as many as you can all around the room for maximum effect.

Another even more extra option is to thread cotton balls on string to look like floating snowflakes.

No party is complete without a fab photo booth. Buy (or DIY) winter weather accessories like mittens, a mug of hot cocoa and beanies for a snowy selfie station.

Yep, you *can* have a snowball fight even if there's no frozen fluff outside. Use white pom poms as "snowballs" and team up!

Even your food can be white like snow. These mini glasses of milk topped with powdered donuts are *too* cute.

Forget water bottles: Serve "melted snow" instead.

To snack on throughout the night, whip up a batch of these cute kernels. Not only are they festive, they're drizzled in white chocolate (yum!).

Send your guests home with homemade hot cocoa mix to let them know you were *snow* glad they could make it.
What's the best holiday party you've been to this year? Tell us below!
POSTED IN holiday parties, winter parties, MAKE IT CUTE, Parties