"After a few weeks of talking and group hangs, my crush asked if I wanted to grab boba. I figured it was a casual thing, so I brought my bestie and her little sis. When we got to the shop...
This boy in my class was poking at my sweater and being super annoying. My teacher noticed what he was doing and said, "If you like her then just tell her. She's a nice and sensitive girl, she'll say yes...
My friends and I took a limo to the school dance, and I don't do well with riding in the back seat so I was feeling a little carsick. Then, as you can imagine, disaster struck. I threw up right...
I'm not too secretive about my crushes and usually let people know right away who I've got my eye on. Me and this girl had just become friends, and I started developing a pretty massive crush on her. Me and...
I sit next to my crush at lunch. He was making a bunch of noise with his plastic water bottle, so I snatched it from him to be funny. We started fighting for it and he had it all the...
One day I was in my room making my bed before my brother's friends came over (he was having a party). I had the radio on and my favorite song came on so naturally I dropped the covers and started...
I was at a MLB baseball game one day. It was hot, causing my hair to frizz, and I had spilled a purple snow cone all over my lap. When the camera for the big screen landed on me, I...
One morning, I woke up and decided I wanted to make pancakes for my parents. When I saw that there was no pancake mix, I decided to make them from scratch. Of course we had eggs, butter and flour, but...
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Are you totally crushing on your best friend?
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