Slay your sleepover with this bucket list

As fun as sleepovers are, they sometimes feel pretty repetitive: same games, same takeout order, same "falling asleep while the movie is playing" routine. Well girls, we are going to change that for you and your squad. Below, we have a bunch of ideas that you and your BFFs *have* to conquer at your next slumber party. Trust us, they’re all worth it. (P.S.: Got a fab sleepover party trick? Share it HERE for your chance to be featured in our next issue!)
Try blind makeovers.
Us girls will take any chance to play around with makeup. But here’s the challenge: See if you can still get the perfect highlight and work your red lip while blindfolded.
Write love letters.
With technology taking over, we tend to forget about handwritten letters. Take this chance to write each other cute letters, or come up with hilariously cheesy ones for each of your crushes (just don't send them!).
Make galaxy slime.
No matter how old we get, it’s always fun to experiment with slime. This project will totally make you and your gals feel like you're kids again in the best way possible. Check out the recipe here.
Dig into a snack bar for your movie sesh.
There’s nothing like binge-watching your fave flicks. But what makes it even better is having endless amounts of snacks. From popcorn to ice cream, stock up on all of the goodies. And don’t forget to have portable snack trays—so helpful.
Set up a mini spa.
Putting together a little mani & pedi or facemask station is the perfect way for you and your BFFs to have fun and *relax*. After a long week of school and extracurrics, you definitely all need some pampering.
Decorate eye masks.
Before going to bed (if you even do!), customize eye masks. Grab an old pair and jazz ‘em up with beads and glitter, or start from scratch and sew your own. Then drift off to dreamland in style.
Bake donuts the next morning.
After a long night of gossiping and fun, it’s time to make breakfast. Swap your usual pancakes for homemade donuts. They’ll be a challenge, but everyone will enjoy it. Click here for a delish recipe!
What are you going to try out at your next sleepover? Let us know in the comments below!
Photo credit: Favim.