Film Fanatic

Know your crush's fave movie or what type of movies he's into? Bring up how you've been wanting to see it (or some of them) and mention that you'd be totally down to watch together sometime.

Something like, "Hey, I've never seen any of the Spiderman movies but I think it'd be super awesome to start watching...would you ever wanna see it together?" He'll love that you're taking an HIS interests. And boys ALWAYS love explaining things (especially if there's action, monsters or superheroes involved!)

Even better? If it's a scary flick, you can totally use it as an excuse to move closer to him and grab him arm!

TELL US NOW! Got an excellent icebreaker? Give GL the scoop! Choose the blue SUBMIT YOUR OWN button below and let us know all about your fab flirting techniques.


6/18/2009 7:00:00 AM