Help me get healthy!

I’m not so happy with my body. I’m thin but when I look in the mirror I don’t see that. All my friends are skinnier than me. I’m never really motivated to work out either. I don’t know how to get motivated though.

How can I live in today’s world when it’s all about being thin and in shape? I think it makes girls feel inferior.

Please give me advice! I don’t know who else to ask.

Hey girl! 

I don't think there are any girls who are perfectly happy with their bodies.  Especially in today's world, it's really tough to focus on that “inner beauty” we're always told to value most.  And you're right, girls look at models and do feel inferior.  But skinny isn't always better, it's about being healthy!  If you want to get into better shape, that's great. There are a few tips that I find make working out less of a chore and more of a fun hobby.

First, you need to pick a workout that is right for you. I know I hate running, but I love to dance. It's all about finding something you enjoy, so it's something fun that ALSO helps your health. Second, try and get a friend to go with you! If you have someone there to help push you and keep you company, it will be easier stick with it and challenge yourself. Third, keep it in moderation. You don't need to go work out everyday to get in shape.  And let's face it, if you're doing the same thing everyday, you'll prob get bored of it.     

But most importantly, you are gorgeous the way you are. You're naturally thin, so you've got that goin' on. It's super hard to not compare yourself to your BFFs, but just try to keep in mind that people are different and look best at diff sizes.  Also, when you flip through those mags, don't forget that no one looks like those stick-thin models on the page! 

Girls who are comfortable with their bodies carry themselves differently. Stay positive and focus on all the good aspects of your body instead of the negatives.  Confidence is beauty. Go out and show them how gorgeous you are! 

xoxo Kristen Y.

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7/26/2009 7:00:00 AM