
5 tips for going on vacation with your friend's family

After begging your parents *all* year long, they have finally agreed to let you go with your BFF's family to the beach paradise of your summer dreams. Vacations with friends can be the source of some amaze summer mems, and it makes traveling so much fun when you have a friend by your side. In order to have the best trip possible, we have compiled five tips to stay smiling all vacay long.

1. Know the itinerary

Before you even start packing, reach out to your BFF to get the itinerary for your trip. Are you hiking and swimming on day one? Or has your bestie's mom planned a totally chill movie day? The more you know about what each day entails, the better you'll be able to pack for the vacay. Not to mention, having an idea of what's in store can help combat any pre-trip anxiety, 

2. Plan ahead

Now that you have your itinerary, you have a better idea of the activities and happenings of the trip. This is *so* helpful for knowing what clothes to bring, but there's still more planning to be done. If the family you're traveling with is planning on skipping breakfast to catch a sunrise hike, consider bringing a power bar to get you through until lunchtime. If the family pet is coming along and often gives you the sniffles, consider packing those allergy meds, just in case. 

3. Advocate for yourself

When you're traveling with a fam that's not your own, it can be awk to speak up if you need something (like, "Where do they keep the toilet paper?"). As hard as it can be to work up the courage to voice your needs/ideas, making yourself heard is essential to having a successful vacay. If you did some research back home and know of a delish ice cream spot nearby, don't be afraid to let someone know! Little things like that will make the trip feel a little more like your own. If sharing your thoughts with the whole fam seems excessive, just tell your BFF instead. 

4. Be flexible

Your BFF's family is totally into fishing and they just bought out all of the bait at the tackle shop. Meanwhile, you've never ever been near a fishing pole. Don't be afraid to give new things a try and step outside of your comfort zone! Vacation is all about trying something fun—and who knows, you might end up loving it. 

5. Include your own interests

While it's great to try out something new, it can also be fun to suggest your favorite activities for the trip. You got invited on the trip for a reason—you're fun to be around and they value your company. Don't be afraid to speak up about your dreams of paddle boarding on the lake or watching that movie on the top of your watchlist. 

Check out these articles for more summer inspo:
4 hobbies to start this summer
đź‘Ż‍♀️ We found a cute summer craft to fit ~every~ vibe
đź‘Ż‍♀️ 7 habits for a happy summer

We want to see your summer vacay pics!
Tag us on Insta @girlslifemag for a chance to be featured. 

Slider @semesteratsea
Header @bellawanninger
All GIFs via GIPHY


by Elizabeth Gregg and Riley Yates | 7/23/2022