Where's my period!?

I started getting my period in January. I got three or four of them then they just stopped coming. It has been over 90 days since I got my last period.

I know I'm not pregnant and I can't possibly be a 14 year old menopausal. I want to tell my mom about this but we're not very close and it just doesn't feel right to tell her. What's wrong with me? What should I do? I'm so confused right now.

Hey chica,

First of all, take a deep breath. You're perfectly fine! I can totally relate to you, but there is nothing to worry about. It's common for teens to have irregular periods especially in the first two years after they start.

There are also a lot of factors that might cause your period to stop for some time. Stress, rapid weight and height change, and illness are all things that can affect your cycle. If you're going through any of these - which you probably are because you're a teenager - you're prone to have an irregular period.

As for your other problem, you really should talk to your mom even if you're not that close to her. Your period is considered as a health issue and your mom most definitely has the right to know about your health. It may be awkward at first, but just remember that your mom went through the same thing you're going through when she was a teenager. She'll relate to you more than anybody ever will and will be willing to help if you just open up to her.

I know it can be very confusing to have your period with so many rapid changes, but just know that you're not the only one going through this and it'll become "normal" soon enough!

-Jeannie L.

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7/5/2009 7:00:00 AM