I need motivation to work out!

I am kind of overweight and I want to shed some pounds to look fabulous. But every time I start to exercise, I don't feel like it anymore. What should I do?

-Lazy and Mad


Hey Babes,

I have the SAME problem. It's hard to get going at first, but if you are upset about your body then you have to change something. Unfortunately, you can’t just wish you were skinny and voila the pounds melt off. It takes months of working out and eating right to see results.

What helps motivate me? I have a buddy. You don't have to spend the entire gym session with your buddy but it helps if you have a friend who will also be going to the gym. It is motivation for you to go as well. It also helps if you have a really great work out mix, something that pumps you up and keeps you going even when you’re tired.

Don't get frustrated! Everyone wants overnight results and that just isn't realistic. Once you go a few times in a row it will start to become habit and then you will WANT to go to the gym. Before ya know it you’ll find that if you don’t work out you’ll start feelin’ awful and tired!



7/30/2009 7:00:00 AM