Diving Debacle

I was at my friend's birthday party, and we were swimming in her pool. I was wearing my new two-piece bathing suit, which I had purchased the day before. I dove off the diving board and when I swam to the surface, all of my friends started laughing.

I looked down, and my top had flung up while I was diving, exposing my whole chest! It was so embarrassing. Thankfully her dad wasn't still sitting on the lawn chairs—he had left the minute before it happened. Nevertheless, my face still turned the color of the plastic flamingos surrounding the pool!.

TELL US NOW! Ever have an embarrassing moment with one of your besties? Tell us about it! Click the blue SUBMIT YOUR OWN button for a chance to share your friendship faux pas with us.  


7/31/2009 7:00:00 AM