10 Teeny Tiny Ways to Feel Fab this Winter

Sure, the holidays are harried, but you still want to feel great this super-busy season. Make these easy little changes, and you’ll have all the extra energy you need to deck those halls. Ready, go!

1 Start right. Each morning, fuel up with a bowl of oatmeal topped with chopped walnuts, apples and cinnamon to stay energized all day.

2 Don’t forget to sweat. Why wait ‘til New Year’s Day to get started on your resolution? Spend a few minutes every day exercising—a walk around the block, do some crunches, whatever!

3 Warm up before stretching. Baby, it’s cold out there! There’s no sense in stretching a chilly muscle. Get your heart pounding before you loosen those hamstrings.

4 Switch things up. Your bod gets bored of the same ol’ same ol’ routine. This winter, give a new workout a whirl (hint: the DVD section of the library is a great place to start).

5 Start your meals with soup and salad. Filling up on liquid and greens means you’ll get a vitamin blast before your big meal.

6 Avoid OD-ing on desserts. Ask yourself if you’re really hungry before you nab that third cookie. Seconds are OK, but don’t devour one more dessert just ’cause it’s there.

7 Pack fun snacks. Road trippin’ it over the river and through the woods to Grandma’s? Make fruit kabobs for the ride. Pineapple, strawberry and plums are perfect. Vanilla yogurt makes a yummy dip.

8 Wash your hands. This one may be super obvi, but it’s a simple way to ward off sickness.

9 Make relaxing a must. Stress can totally sap your energy. Take 10 minutes a day to unwind and write in a journal, practice yoga, read a just-for-fun book or chat (not text!) with your BFF.

10 Sleep tight. We know you’re busy, but sleep is key to staying healthy during the icy months. Aim for eight hours a night.


by GL | 2/1/2016