Eat Right
Coffee or tea: Which is actually better for you?

The coffee vs. tea debate has been going on forever. We're laying down all the facts to help you settle the controversy but there's a catch: The answer to the age-old question is different for everyone! Here are a few pros and cons to help you decide which morning time drink is right for you.
Pros of coffee
Live a longer, healthier life
Studies show drinking three to five cups daily can prevent premature death and some diseases and can also reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s and certain types of cancers.
Boost your energy
If you are someone who is constantly battling the morning blues, coffee can work wonders to wake you up. Containing high amounts of caffeine, coffee will not only stop your yawning but also improve your mood and help you get ready to take on the day.
Improve your workout
The caffeine in coffee can help you stay sharp mentally and physically. Producing a chemical called epinephrine in the brain, your body will feel more ready to grind at the gym and break a sweat. Studies even show it can help burn fat. Score!
Cons of coffee
Increases anxiety
Coffee contains a ton of caffeine, which is a great way to prevent morning grogginess...but too much caffeine can be bad for your nervous system, leaving you jittery, anxious, restless and, in some cases, cause insomnia. Make sure to limit your coffee intake and know when enough is enough.
Raises your cholesterol
According to some studies, coffee can raise your cholesterol so if your family has a history of high cholesterol, make sure to watch how much you drink.

Pros of tea
Keeps your stomach happy
Tea is notorious for settling any upset stomach. Herbal tea especially, like chamomile, can be great for curing stomach cramps and pain whereas ginger tea can help reduce nausea.
Strengthens your immune system
Drinking tea has been shown to help keep immune cells healthy. This way, the cells are able to attack viruses quicker, helping you feel better faster.
Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke
Studies show that those who drink one to three cups of tea a day were 20 percent less likely to have a heart attack and a 35 percent reduced risk of a stroke.
Has less caffeine
If you are sensitive to caffeine, tea might be the answer to getting your morning pick-me-up without all the jitters.
Cons of tea
Stains your teeth
Although studies show that tea can prevent cavities and tooth loss, it may also leave your teeth with a colorful tint. Depending on what type of tea you are drinking, you may end up staining your teeth. You can help prevent tea from tampering with your pearly whites by brushing after you drink.
Contains added sugar
Although the bottled iced tea you buy at the grocery store is super yummy, it is also super high in sugar. Many processed teas contain tons of additives, so if you are trying to limit your sugar intake, you might want to try reading the nutrition facts on your favorite store-bought tea.
Affects how you get vitamins
Tea can sometimes work to prevent your body’s absorption of the iron found in dairy and certain vegetables. To ensure that your body is getting the utmost it can from your diet, try drinking tea between meals or add some lemon. Both of these things can help allow your body get the vitamins it deserves.
Both rich in antioxidants and full of caffeine, coffee and tea are both a great way to start your morning. Whether your Starbucks order is a nice cup of tea or a warm coffee to go, now you have all the facts to defend your beverage of choice.
Which do you prefer, coffee or tea? Let us know in the comments below!
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