My ex killed my body confidence

My ex-boyfriend used to call me ugly, stupid and weird behind my back while we were dating. Now when I look in the mirror, all I see is that ugly, stupid girl. My family and friends tell me I’m beautiful, but I can’t help what I see. What should I do?


Oh, babe, that’s awful! Your ex-boyfriend was an emotional abuser. For whatever reason, putting you down—calling you ugly, stupid and weird—made him feel high and mighty. The good news is that he’s out of your life. Now it’s time to get him out of your head.


What you need to do is rediscover your beauty, inside and out. Every time you look in the mirror, I want you to take a moment and find something beautiful in what you see, whether it’s the quirky gap in your teeth that only shows when you really smile, or the glint in your eyes when you’re up to no good. Bit by bit, you’ll regain your confidence and your realization that you really are beautiful.


When it comes to the inside, you need to start recognizing your triumphs. Proudly post your A+ papers in your locker or on a bulletin board at home so you can see that grade clearly every day. Keep sweet notes from friends and family and achievements from extracurriculars in sight. Surrounding yourself with reminders of how awesome you are will help you take heart in your accomplishments, and come to the understanding that your jerk ex-BF is the dumb one, not you.


Good luck, girlie!

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by Brittany Taylor | 2/1/2016